DHCP Reservation is pretty easy. Turn on what you the reservation for (Wii, Xbox, etc.)
Open up the Router and Look on the Basic Tab under Network Settings.
Drop down to where it says Add DHCP Reservation.
Check Enable. Pick what you want to have the reserved address from the drop down menu.
With it cut on, it should fill in the IP Address and MAC address info.
Hit Save and you should be done.
A general Gamefuel set up would be:
Advanced Tab, Gamefuel setting
Check enable.
Name the Rule.
Set a priority 1 is the highest, 255 is the lowest.
Protocol set to BOTH.
Local IP Range is what you have the DHCP Reservation set to.
(i.e. -
Remote IP Range should be set to -
Port Range 1 to 65535
This should tell you a little more about setting up the gamefuel rule. I copied the post from where I learn about how to set it up. The full thread is on this forum under the heading "Gamefuel"
The remote IP will be anybody in theory in your example so the range of is appropriate. sometimes you will have more specific endpoints in mind (like the IP of your favorite FTP server), then you would need a more specific remote IP.
Local IP Range: The PC or network that should receive the prioritization. This can be a single IP if you need 1 PC to have priority or can be your entire network if you are more interested in traffic type for instance.
Local Port Range: This will be 0-65535 in all practical examples.
Remote IP Range: See Above. This will usually be as you usually do not know exactly who will be receiving your prioritized traffic. However if you had a favorite FTP server or some scenario like that you could put something more specific here.
Remote Port Range: The destination port, this is the port that you be given if your application lists that it uses ports x,y,z TCP and a-c UDP for outgoing traffic.
I hope this helps. "