there's nothing stopping anybody from writing a batch file to mount the DNS, copy the files to something, and unmount, and then setting that as a scheduled task. The linux equivalent is just as easy.
Additionally, one should consider the nature of the data on the DNS itself, as well as the value of it, paranoia level you wish to take.
If you're backing up client PCs to it, you probably don't need to back up that data on the DNS, as the clients exist as the "original"
If your client PCs mount the DNS, and all user data is stored directly onto the DNS, then the DNS is pretty valuable. But in the same vein, that's what a RAID 1 is for. You've got protection from a single drive failure, which is a pretty likely and serious fault to have. This is the strategy I implement in my home (where user data consists of music, pictures, word documents). I don't do it this way at work, where I need much more fault tolerant strategies. But then, I just bought the DNS for my home (from not having a central drive system). I use more expensive and complex systems at work.
Now if the DNS itself dies, either replace it with a new one (of exact same FW version), or mount the drives in a linux box and copy the data off (the drives are formated ext2 or ext3).