Hi !!
I've had the DNS-323 for 2 days. First of all, it worked fine. But now it hang's up!! I will explain:
If it weren't doing nothging for a while, it didn't respond to, for example, file access or simply web GUI. If i did a ping to the DNS, it respond, but i just CAN'T access to it. Also, i tried to shut it down by pressing the button for a few seconds, but it don't. I can hold the button pressed for 30 secs and more, and it just don't shut down. Neither the lights begin blinking. :S:S:S
Today I was doing a refresh of my itunes server, and it hanged up again, 2 times, doing the same thing (itunes refresh). I've disabled the energy safing (because when it don't respond, it seems like the disks are spinning slowly), and disabled all the stuff i don't need (iTunes server, ...etc). I just have the BitTorrent on, the ftp, and i think nothing else. It seems that it works, because now I can use it with out hanging. I've got the 1.05 firmware on (obviously if i mentioned the BT) and my HD are two Seagate 500Gb in RAID1. Could it be the Raid that it's giving problems? :S:S:S I really don't know how to fix this. Can anybody help me?
Thanks !!!