I was wondering if you could explain why I can access the drives without any problem throught my computer windows xp file explorer but run into issues with my PS3 accessing the file directories?
As per the Hot Swap question, as mentioned before, I only removed the drives when I initially got the error that the hard drives had been installed incorrectly, up untill this point I was simply using the BT and web configuration interface. As well when the drive is removed it is powered down.
I continue to get the error as noted above, however I am able to access my database from my ps3. Once and a while I will unplug my DNS 323 if I need a refresh done of the file structure. It seems if I use my Easysearch to hook up the BT then I get all kinds of access errors so I will live without the BT on my DNS323 and use a software solution for now.
As mentioned before my Data is not corrupt when viewing through xp, I get the errors through my ps3 connection of various problems, not seeing files, not playing enire file, refreshing of the directories either manual or automatic after files have been added. I find if I change file names that they dont refresh that well.
I have now way of determining if there is a problem with the hard drives that are intermitant, that too would be nice to see on easysearch, defrag and diagnosis.