- 1. Firstly an annoyance, this netgear only forwards ports, is it possible for the 855 to actually open ports without having to forward them, by trigger schedule or whatever? This would make my life far easier in itself.
Port triggering (shown below on the emulator)
The DIR-855 also supports UPnP, which allows most modern programs to open the ports they need automatically.
# 2. The big problem i have, is running the same games on several machines behind the router. Pretty much all new ones work with upnp/nat but there are older ones which simply need ports opened, if it was only one pc then triggering would do (i don't like leaving ports open, the minimal amount possible) therefore all i can think of is using triggering to open the ports to the network (is this possible?) and letting nat do the rest or is there a better way? Since triggering is not tied to an ip would this be effective for all machines on the network and does it simply open them, exposing machines not running the game/app?
This is really the crux of the matter, two/three people using the same game/app that wasn't specific ports opened.
That's a rough one -- two LAN systems that simultaneously need to hear the same WAN port for unsolicited packets -- it's just not going to happen -- not on any NAT device that shares one public address with a number of private ones.
There are really older games built on an older usage model that don't expect multiple users behind the same router, and can't handle the strangeness and issues added by NAT.
4. The 855s website filter is limited to either white or black lists, now until a firmware update allows both i'm going to have to run with white but there are still sites i'd like to block on remaining pcs. Since the modem has the website blocker built in would it be possible to use it in conjunction with the 855s white list thereby blocking set websites across the network while using the 855 to limit certain pcs at the same time?
Or am i miss understanding the 855s functions and it's possible to block some websites, but say assigned a trusted ip/mac still able to access them? If so would it be possible to do so while using a whit list on another pc?
Yes. You can, for example, keep the kids away from sites that you'll still have access to.
You'll do this by setting up an Access Control policy (advanced screen), where you can select schedule (when), MAC/IP control (who is in the policy) and the choose whether to apply the web filters or some other port-based policy (what). If you chose the web filters for your policy, then the block/allow sites will apply. It works in the emulator.
Sorry, I can't help you with your modem question. [/list]