I will have to check on that. I wouldn't think so because that wasn't the case in my first set-up. It was affgetr I moved into my new home that the issue appeared. At that time I did quit a few things...downgraded to Vista (:-), upgraded firmeware like crazy...mucked around with my routing...set a whole bunch of file permissions for guests accessing my media files...reset all my wokr releated files security settings....bought a mouse. OK the last one was a joke. The thing is it could have been a variety of things. Now I just use the guest AP on my DIR-655 to avoid the general public from gaining accesss to my home and office LAN. Prior to that I have to set security rules all over the place. Of course Vista was being blamed for ahell of a lot of problems but this one obviously wasn't the case. My NAS (DNS-323) had massive amounts of access rights which screwed up my files on the harddrive to be able to access them from my newly created Vista machine. I had to telnet into the box and create new permissions. The funny thing is after I reset the NAS all the files seam to have change their security to everyone. Which works for me (for now)! Not to mention running the FTP server takes up resources which also could have contributed to permormance loss, but I wouldn't think I would notice it when no one is actually transfering files or logged in.
Anyway...the problem is fixed. Now if I can only return my DWA-556...ARGH!!!