Sorry if i posted in the wrong section, i could not find a DIR 300 thread.
I have the DIR300 150 wireless router.
It works OK, but i have somewhat of a problem with how it works.
We have cable into the router WAN only. We upgraded to a new ISP while i was visiting Australia and when i came back everything was pre configured.The ISP removed our old modem as it was no longer needed.
We have unlimited download.
We have a desktop comp wired into LAN1 and I use my laptop for wireless conection.
My problem is with how downloads are allocated between the desktop and laptop.
We often use speednet test and almost all the time the desktop scores 17 to 27 Mbps on the test.
My vista 32 bit laptop only gets a maximum of 4-5 Mbps max using the wireless and also i test using it wired into LAN1 or LAN2 and it is always 4-5mbps maximum.
Why is my laptop capped at this speed? has it got something to do with the router setting?
THats not the only problem. When the desktop is downloading on the internet i find my average 4-5mbps is reduced to 500-700 Kbps and i cannot downlaod anything.
How can i cap the LAn(17-27MBps) so my wireless can atleast be usable on the internet?