urbang33 - you're in an experiment mode - why not find out for yourself - nothing like first hand experience.
ChosenGSR - the first thing I'm going to tell you is to read my signature - having your data in a RAID1 array does not mean that you can break with the time tested practice of backing the data up.
You CAN remove the disks from a failed DNS-323 and install them in another DNS-323 and get access to your data, you can NOT expect to take your disks and put them in just any NAS and recover the data, most NAS units have their own disk partition structure and even if they use linux and can read the ext2/3 file system created by the DNS-323, the paritions are not going to be where they expect them to be.
You CAN mount the disks in a PC running linux and retrieve your data, and you CAN mount the disks in a PC running Windows and, provided you install the appropriate third party file system driver, retrieve your data.