Thanks juanjo, I'll write the rules as soon as possible, because I can't still install the new DFL-210.
I don't understand a thing, reading your reply.
I don't want to redirect on my internal PC all the traffic incoming from 0-65535 external ports, but only the traffic incoming on the external 4321 port. This why, perhaps, I'll have different PCs processing TCP traffic incoming from different external ports, and I don't want them to process the "wrong port" traffic. The remaining traffic, coming from other external ports, will not be redirected, probably I'll drop it, unless I'll decide to let other two or three incoming ports opened for this PC.
So, I don't find any evidence on your reply about port 4321: don't I have to show it somewhere in any rule?
Second question: if I want to open also say ports 5555 and 9999 for this PC, I have to write three times the same set of rules?
P.S. After I wrote my reply, I read about custom services allowing port translation... I think this is the way to investigate. My question is still alive, please tell me if you have solutions, thanks