Normally a Samba share, set to R/W, should be treated as any folder. But there are differences.
1. Do you use *mounted* network paths (i.e. \\dns323\volume_1\yourgamefolder\ ==> R:\) or do you just try to load them from their network location (\\dns323\volume_1\yourgamefolder\)? Alot of games don't support this.
They will work from removeable drives, e.g. USB sticks, because they're attached to the PC and have a drive letter path.
2. There are file transfer speed issues. Normally, the network throughput is 4..6 MByte per second while local HD's provide much higher speed. Maybe your game is just stuck because of slow transfer.
Anyway, try to mount the network folder with a drive letter and report again.
*edit* ah, I forgot a little detail ... mount the network folder on the same drive letter on all PC's you want to play from. Some games store their configuration internally, which includes absolute paths.