Furry - Most of the settings you suggested are being used. I tried the g vs n etc before so now I leave it on N only as everything I have is N. Its WEP2 and AES. During my first adventure, I tried every recommendation and setting combination, so I know those don't fix it.
I just read a couple of newer posts that seem to imply that changing the SSID to something else resolves a problem and so I tried it - VOILA - so far so good. I changed the SSID and pswd before when I got it working but didn't attribute it to the solution at that time.
To repeat. Somehow magically I got this beast working fine with all 3 devices (IPAD, netbook, Desktop) using IOS, win7 home 64, and Vista 32.
Originally I got it working after many many trial and errors. It worked for 3 months.
Then I dropped something which pulled the power plug and the router powered down for just a minute. Then it wouldn't work, that is, I couldn't connect powered off devices when restarted until I powered down the router each time. Once I did that everything was ok, until I powered off a device.
This morning, I logged onto everything and renamed the SSID (which is invisible btw) and powered off the netbook. When I powered it on, it recognized the network and logged right in.
If looks like the old SSID is stuck somewhere and confusing the login process.
Assigning a new SSID fixed it for now, at least until we lose power at the router again...
Any comments or ideas?