I've just gotten a DIR-615 and replaced a working linksys G router. I configured it to work with my ipad (wireless N), my laptop-win 7 (N), and my desktop-vista (USB connected N). Everything works ok, I'm pleased with the performance. I'm using WPA personal, WPA2only, AES encryption, 3600, 802.11n only, auto 20/40 mhz channel width, invisible.
Here's the problem. As I powered up and shut down the laptop each day, it wouldn't connect to the router. I could see the connection, but windows said it couldn't connect. I had to go and unplug the router, count to 10, and then plug it in, and tell the laptop to connect and then it would connect it would be fine.
I thought it might be a compatibility with the laptop driver, but after powering down the desktop today, I had to do the same power cycle on the router to get the desktop to connect. So then I went and turned off the IPAD and had the same thing happen. 3 for 3.
I'm pretty sure its router settings and not the 3 devices, this never happened with the Linksys router, but I don't know what to change.
One other odd thing, when I view the network in windows, the DIR-615 icon is there (for about 15 secs), and then it disappears (for about 5 secs), and then reappears (15 secs), disappears (5 secs), etc. - almost like its dropping out for 5 secs... I haven't noticed a performance hit, but haven't transfer big files yet.
Any ideas?