There is a driver?? I used the explore on th disk, DCHP from router gave it an ip (if you dont use a router, youll have to use static ip or maybe the inter DCHP??) Omapped the drive and thats it.. I also installed the Unpn server media server.. No ftp atm.. and I am running Windows 7.. Windows 7 makes it alot easier to manage a workgroup than XP or Vista does.. Check the DHCP maybe, and then upgrade to win 7 heh..
More info would be helpful also.. like router type(many new routers have options that will affect the why it handles a NAS like QOS, Upnp..)..What kind of nic etc.. Can you see it under explore? can teh disk that came with the NAS find it and map it to your laptop?? It must be mapped to show as a "local" drive..
Another thing Ive seen. With DHCP on, if you unplug power from router, it wil assign new ips to teh devices on the network in the order the router finds them.. Ive lost my "map" to the drive when messing around with the router.. It should still show under explorer however..
have you tried accessing the nas via internet explorer or firefox?? you just type in the ip (HTTP:\\192.666.222.11 etc) and it should open up the log in page..