Hi everyone, new to the forum.
I've read through a few of the posts on this page and am having a bit of trouble getting around the interface terminology of the D-Link switches.
What exactly does TAGGED, UNTAGGED, NOT MEMBER do?
Say I want 2 VLANS:
ports 1 - 30 on VID 1
ports 31 - 48 on VID 2
Do I:
set ports 1 - 30 on VID 1 as untagged, tagged, etc. And the other ports as not member?
set ports 31 - 48 on VID 2 as untagged, tagged, etc. And the other ports as not member?
set ports 1 - 30 on VID 1 as tagged, and ports 31 - 48 as untagged etc...?
If I could get a brief example on how to setup this particularly simple VLAN that would be GREAT!