I know we all start at the beginning and work forwards - I am at the beginning. Bit of a shame allowing for the fact that almost 30 years ago I trained as a computer operator but am totally out of my depth here.
Just bought one of these units, installed it all and have the drives formatted in RAID1 with two 1tb WD greens, they are as happy as larry sitting in the case and are recognised and on the network in my computer. I am trying to schedule backups of my photos and documents and after half an hour have sort of got it sorted out in "Applications - local backup". Have got the schedules in and the backup starts and errors with a file size error.
Guys I know its so noob its not funny, I just dont know what I am doing here. Should have paid more attention to technology but sticking pc's together for mates and installing operating systems isnt anyway near this sorta stuff.
Can someone please see their way clear to helping me out? This seems like a damn good device, paid $145 AU for it and want to learn how to set it up.