Is there a known issue between these two products?
I bought my box in Jan for the sole purpose of streaming to my PS3. For the first two months it worked OK. Not great, some of the titles were out of order and not all my Avis were recognised, but OK.
Now... the PS3 is finding my NAS on my network, but fails to see any folders at all.
I've a hardwired line from the NAS to my router, uPnP is turned on, my firmware is up to date, files are placed in movie/music/photo folders and permissions are all OK.
So far I've tried using static IP's and letting the router assign them. I've turned nearly every function on and off, both on the router and the PS3 in an attempt to get this to work again. But no luck. all of my computers have no problem seeing the NAS, it just seems to be something wrong with the onboard uPnP server.
Is this an issue with the PS3 side of things? (please don't make me deal with Sony ever again, nothing I've done in my life deserves that...)
IN ADDITION... the uPnP library building has gone all strange for me. Firmware v1.00 works great at doing this, but v2.00 just pretends to build the library until the NAS spins done. I'd use V1.00, but the PS3 gives me the dreaded 2144 error. At least that gave me a clue as to what was going on
I realise this is a big ask, but if anyone could offer a little advice, then I'd be made up. Thanks.