Thanks for the info.
Are you inside d-link or is this your opinion from the outside?
Better yet, are you able to speak for d-link so that we have a definite answer one way or the other.
If your assessment is correct, actual support ended somewhere around the time 3 tb drives hit the market, late 2010 / early 2011. The latest firmware on the support site (1.08) has a 2/27/2010 file date. I know that these were cheap boxes (their second major virtue with relatively arbitrary reconfiguration through fun_plug being the primary), so support budgets are probably limited, but still, ...
Are there any support guarantees on any of the newer pricier products, say 7 years from date of introduction, ... or anything definite or is SAB 101 killing the ability to say anything?
Other than the firmware, it seems like these are still perfectly capable boxes that could handle two 3 tb disks in terms of the balance of capabilities.
Has anyone had luck using the Alt-F firmware, or is that not yet ready for prime time?