Got home yesterday and my DNS-343 was unresponsive, couldn't ping it or log into it. Everything on the network was fine when looking at the box physically, no harddrives were spun up, no fans were blowing all I had was the screen telling me everything was fine. I set my IP and subnet mask manually to match the subnet and IP scheme it was on and plugged in directly with my laptop. Nothing....after manually powering down which it got stuck doing and rebooting it multiple times I got nothing. So I reset it and got he 169.254.x.x IP address. I set my laptop to match and connected directly and via the switch it was connected to and was able to log in fine. So I figured no biggie, I started configuring it and the only thing I changed was the IP, Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS. I click save....and boom. Locked up. I reboot manually and the screen shows the right IP, but no connectivity again. Nor could I directly connect. I reset to defaults again and this time tried to set it up via DHCP, clicked save...boom, locked again. So I figured, leave it over night after resetting again and configuring the IP, maybe it just needs time. Nope, no good. So tonight when I get home I'm loading 1.03 back on it. Hopefully it works!