I am posting here to inform you that 6/15 will be my last day with D-Link. I have had a great time here over my last 6 years working for D-Link however it is my time to move on. It has been a pleasure communicating with you users through these boards and receiving amazing amounts of support for customers on top of some of the great ideas you present to us. I truly appreciate all of your commitment to the products you own and encourage you to continue doing it.
I do not know when or who will replace me or if they will even post on these boards as I do but hopefully I have set a bar for community relationships and that person will strive to do the same. I can not guarantee how quickly a transition will take place or the next time a beta will be posted since I started the beta process on these boards and have ran it since.
I wish you all the best of luck. If anyone wonders what happened to my communication in other model topics in the future, feel free to link them to this post since I will not be duplicating this post in each model.
D-Link Multimedia