I ran the Drive Fitness Test for the Hitachi drives, and looks like one on the drives is bad. I have sent it back for replacement. But before I did that, I tried to format the 2 drives as JBOD and the format succeeded. Strange!!! When I was trying to format the 2 1TB drives as seperate drives, the bad one would never finish the format, the longest I left it running was over 24 hours, and no go.
When I plugged the bad drive directly into a computer mother board SATA connector and started the boot, the SMART warning came up indicataing a bad drive. When I ran the drive fitness test, this comfirmed the drive was bad. Does the DNS have any SMART capability? This has really been frustrating, spending no telling how many hours trying to figure out the problem, which I hope only is that the HD was bad. I am now waiting for a replacement HD to see if the problem has been solved. The DNS always showed the bad drive was connected on the led display and showed activity with the bad drive. The bad drive always seemed to show up in the webpage utility also. If there is not SMART technology built into the DNS, that is one thing that might be helpful since not everyone would have a computer with a SATA socket to test drives to make sure they are good or bad.