fw 2.00
- how do i limit users' access to just FTP (and not let them have \bypass the configuration page or have access to the apps after they attempt to login via http)? i do not wish to disable http access
altogether (disable port forwarding from my router to the dns) as i will require remote access to the dns as an administrator sometimes
- Volume_1 is only accessible in Windows when it is made accessible to all users. As soon as i deny access to one user, the volume_1 is inaccessible in Windows. is there a way to make it accessible via Windows on a local network even when varied permissions are set for the users?
- Since Volume 1 must be made accessinble to ALL users before it is accessible in Windows, I've disabled FTP support for the volume so tat users who logon to my ftp server wouldnt see the Volume. HOWEVER, it is still accessible when the user logs in via the configuration page.
- Is there a simple way to disable "Nobody" account?
- Is there a simple way to prevent "P2P" folder from appearing on ftp? (ive tried fw 2.01, it works but its super buggy*)
fw 2.01 (beta)
- *unable to change user settings (freezes before i could press finish)
- *remote http access to configuration page fails.