I've noticed the DNS-321 uses PureFTP ---which has the 2000 limit (truncate) file listing when connecting via FTP.
Is there any way to expand that truncate limit to something higher? I'm using the shipping version firmware (since the new firmware release has some problems).
I'm hoping I just missed some tick box someplace.
btw, if anyone is interested, here's the link to PureFTP's Readme regarding their default setting and the switch to change in the shell file:
http://download.pureftpd.org/pub/pure-ftpd/doc/README"'-L <max files>:<max depth>': To avoid stupid denial-of-service attacks
(or just CPU hogs), Pure-FTPd never displays more than 2000 files in response
to an 'ls' command. Also, a recursive 'ls' (-R) never goes further than 5
subdirectories. You can increase/decrease those limits with the '-L' option."