Calm the hell down kid. Again, YOU need to READ the manual for your own damn IP radio. We couldn't tell you what to configure or anything or even what it was capable of.
It wasn't an opinion, and ANYONE would have told you the same damn thing.
Edit: By actually NAMING what device it was, it was easy to look up how to configure it. Just did a google search for it, and found the PDF manual. Took all but 2 minutes.
It HAD all the information in there, and all it took was a little research on your part, and even reading. Again, my post towards you was not hostile nor was it an opinion. Further more, my post was also constructive, and even got to the bottom of what you were talking about. And even got you to tell us what brand and model of the IP radio it was.
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And just a FYI, if you come here asking for help, YOU NEED TO GIVE PROPER INFORMATION.
According to the manual, you can extend the Wireless, or even create a new AP. Assign it a static IP in the DGL-4500. You can keep it using the same SSID, or you can use a completely new one and make two separate networks. It does not explain whether or not if it will extend your wireless network wirelessly, and act as a repeater, or if it requires you to plug it in via Ethernet to extend it wirelessly. But, you will have to test this for yourself.