I solved the problem of the 'because the connection problem of network environment, transmission protocol changed to http'. I saw many postings with this message with no solution. Here is the solution.
If you have your configuration set up as follows: Home - Configuration - Audio/Video - Mute
you get the above message and the picture that is displayed is HTTP_V (black bar at top of picture)
When you disable the mute, you don't get the above message and the picture that is displayed is UDP_AV. This is all from the internal workstation. Externally you see V_ONLY. This is from a windows 7 workstation which I never see anything other than V_ONLY. This may be a configuration problem which I have not pursued.
If you have your configuration set as follows: Home-Connection Type-Disable Sound
you get V_ONLY on the internal workstation (Vista) and V_only on the external workstation(Win 7).
I suspect there is something on the Win 7 configuration because I tested the camera from home (XP) and it worked properly, i.e. UDP_AV (external).