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Author Topic: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L  (Read 50151 times)


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Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:06:19 AM »

Current firmware avail:  http://tsd.dlink.com.tw/

Code: [Select]
DCS-930L Firmware Release Notes 
Firmware: v1.03 build 3
Hardware: A1
Date: 2011-05-31
Mydlink: 2.0.05-201104261737

New Features:
1. Support Mac Bonjour Discover Service – Provide the Bonjour On/Off Setting and Bonjour Name Setting.
2. Support APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) used in Bonjour Discover Service when the camera can’t use DHCP to obtain an IP address.

Problems Resolved:
1. Under wireless is disabled, wireless will be enabled after wireless site survey.
2. Change video resolution may cause system hang if someone is live viewing.
3. Fixed download firmware crash issue – this occur when FTP upload is enabled and have a bad FTP server address setting.
4. Add “GoAhead WebServer logo” logo on the bottom-right of the home page.
5. Add some functions for production test.
6. Change copyright year to 2010-2011.
7. Fixed some web pages wording error.

1. Upgrade bootcode to version v1.11 (2011-5-31).
2. Upgrade mydlink agent to 2.0.05-201104261737
3. Support Firmware Restoration on bootcode when update firmware failed.
A. The Firmware Restoration only can support IE6/7/8.
B. When you execute the Firmware Restoration, please must connect the test PC and the camera to a network by isolating the heavy network traffic.
C. The Firmware Restoration function is just implemented by a simple program, so we can't guarantee Firmware Restoration will be success at every time you execute.
D. You can follow the following steps to execute the Firmware Restoration:
I. Connect the camera and the computer to the same network via wired connection
II. If the camera is on, turn it off.
III. Hold down the reset button and then restart the camera, and holding down the reset button for 10 seconds.
IV. Configure the computer’s IP address to 192.168.0.x/
V. Launch your web browser.
VI. Enter in the address line of your web browser, and press GO.
VII. A dialogue box will appear. Select your desired firmware file. Click Open.
VIII. Click Update, to update the firmware file to your camera.
IX. Restart the camera to complete the rescue operation.

Your camera and computer may not provide an accurate indication of activity. An error screen may appear. This is normal. Please do not click any buttons once the firmware file download process has started. Doing so could disrupt the process, and cause your camera to malfunction. Please be patient. The firmware download process will take 2 to 3 minutes. The process is complete when the LED blinks green.

Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.02 build 3
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-12-20
Mydlink: 1.3.10-201012201339

Problems Resolved:
8. Fixed email to Facebook compatibility problem.
9. New ActiveX v2.3.2.22 (2010-12-14) -> Fixed ActiveX zoom not locate at central area.
10. Improve production test issue.
11. Fixed Web UI wording error.
12. New mydlink agent version v1.3.10-201012201339.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.02 build 2
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-11-30
Mydlink: 1.3.5-201010221142

Problems Resolved:
1. New ActiveX v2.3.2.21 (2010-11-30)  Fixed Browser screen enlarge issue.
2. Fixed some Web UI wording error.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.02 build 1
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-11-19

Problems Resolved:
1. Web UI support new language – German, French, Italian, Spanish.
2. Update new ActiveX module ( with new digital signature.
3. Fixed some Web UI wording error.
4. Fixed firmware upgrade may crash issue – user plug in/out LAN cable when system is upgrading firmware.
5. Fixed OSD time display problem – 00:xx:xx AM/PM fixed to 12:xx:xx AM/PM.
6. Fixed CGI interface (audiocfg.cgi) reply incorrect message problem.
7. Fixed Web UI display active user with incorrect user name.
8. Fixed Java module cannot reconnect audio session if audio session disconnected.
9. Fixed Web UI reply empty error message on save wireless page.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.01 build 4
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-10-28

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed fast resolution change and language setting for production test.
2. Limit input characters of camera name to printable ascii characters (but space, “, ‘, &, <, and > are not allowed special characters).
3. Fixed some Web UI wording error.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.01 build 3
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-10-22

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed https Web UI (Firmware Upgrade and Restore Configuration File) not work issue.
2. Change NTP time sync from 10 minutes to 24 hours.
3. Change Restore Configuration File response message and add count down timer to reconnect
4. Support 3 language – English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
5. New mydlink agent version 1.3.5-201010221142


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.01 build 2
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-10-08

Problems Resolved:
1. Remove Location item on e-mail content.
2. New mydlink agent version 1.3.4-201010071803


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.01 build 1
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-09-30

Problems Resolved:
1. mydlink agent will be run twice under DHCP mode (no DHCP server case) or PPPoE mode.
2. Update a new Java applet for – disable audio on Web motion detection page and free memory efficiently.
3. FTP (motion detection mode) upload sometimes stop abnormally.
4. Grey live view audio button when audio setup is disabled.
5. Change Reset and Factory Reset response message and add count down timer to reconnect.
6. New boot code version v1.03 (2010-09-01).
7. Fixed Java VM quit issue when camera is located inside of NAT router (map port to 443) and is connected from outside by https.
8. Change LAN LED flash – flash LED only when someone live view camera.
9. New mydlink agent version 1.3.0-201009211101

1. Add e-mail 6 motion frames (3 frames before and 3 frames after motion detection) option.

Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.00 build 10
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-08-04

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed motion detection block area settings incorrect issue.
2. Fixed WEP key input checking issue on Safari.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.00 build 9
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-08-02

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed live view CGI packet error – miss <CRLF> on Date field.
2. Modify ActiveX timing of receiving data.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.00 build 8
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-07-28

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed FTP/E-mail performance issue for motion detection image.
2. Fixed FTP motion detection mode, sometimes FTP abnormally stop issue.
3. Change FTP/E-mail motion detection mode, image frequency will be fixed as auto (as fast as possible), and image frequency setting field will be greyed.
4. Fixed Java live view issue (cannot display image) on very old hardware version of Mac PC.
5. Fixed ActiveX exit issue (will hang 5 – 10 seconds) if audio is OFF or Disable.


Known Issues:

Firmware: v1.00 build 7
Hardware: 3A1
Date: 2010-07-22

Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed ActiveX issue (Windows sound driver disable case).
2. Fixed port forwarding socket error.
3. Fixed motion detection issue – fast motion frame ftp/e-mail.
4. Fixed ActiveX issue (pc1: ActiveX, pc2: change video config will cause pc1 IE hang)
5. Change to not sync PC time on Web UI login time.
6. Change live view date/time display format -- MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM
7. Remove old password input on modify user table entry.
8. New mydlink - version 201007221200


Known Issues:



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Camera is dead after Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 06:03:10 PM »

I just downloaded and tried to apply the latest Firmware update to my dcs-930L.  It failed or timed out.  Now the camera is unusable.  No lights appear on the front.  I tried the hard reset, several times, holding it in for 10 seconds and upwards to a minute.  Nothing worked.  I have unplugged and replugged in the network cable on both ends several times and turned the power off and on on the router and camera several times.  Is there any advice on re-activating the camera?


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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 07:23:07 PM »

We have two of these cameras; always have been utterly reliable.  My wife went to upgrade the firmware and we had the exact same thing happen as the poster above.  The software downloaded, the camera came back to life and then *nothing*.  Our camera is a little different than the poster above; our light stays solid red.  No amount of paperclip in the reset will reset anything.  And you cannot install the software because you never get a green light.

I don't know about these firmware updates; we bricked ours it looks like.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let us know.  We've tried: 

Powering off (nope!)
Reset (nope!)
Unplug power, hold reset with paper clip and then apply power (nope!)
Leave it unplugged and try all the above again (nope!)

Red solid light on the front, glowing blue in the rear.  No button response.  No reset response.  No software will download.  Have plugged it into the router and the router does NOT see it.

Think ours is bricked.



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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 08:07:24 PM »

From my understanding the DCS-930L has a copy of the default FW in ROM, which should be retrievable. However, under certain circumstances, a failed FW upgrade can brick the device.

If your DCs-930L is under a year old (i.e. under warranty), I suggest you call D-Link technical support and have them walk through a recovery process. If/when that process fails, D-Link will most likely issue an RMA for a new camera.
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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2011, 10:25:07 PM »


Looks like this same 2011-5-31 dated dcs-930l firmware has now been posted at the US link above...


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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2011, 07:59:28 PM »

How I rescued mine:

Have 3 cameras. Two took the 1.03 FW update no problems. One failed. (No, I didn't hard-connect them as instructed because that's just a pain in the a$$). The failed unit seemed hopeless - tried all the above but finally gave in and followed the D-link instructions at top of this thread. But note: It took many attempts to establish a connection (talk to the camera thru IE). It seems to be a timing issue - your camera has to be accepting a connection before the stinking IE handshake times out (IE sucks!). EVEN after finally getting a "Browse for your new hinky FW version" page, the FW file failed to load into the camera several times. The final success was to stick a toothpick in the 'reset hole' one last time. That worked.

I've been pretty happy with these cameras but this is the last firmware update I'll willingly try. As long as they keep working on this version - why update? I've updated twice now and seen no improvement in performance. The downside of a FW update is the above nightmare. This cost me 3 hours of aggravation I really didn't need.

Just to be clear, here are the instructions copied from above [and translated]:

A.   The Firmware Restoration only can support IE6/7/8. [might work with Mozilla but I used IE...]
B.   When you execute the Firmware Restoration, please must connect the test PC and the camera to a network by isolating the heavy network traffic. [pull your network cable or kill your Wifi adapter - connect the camera to the PC with a cable]
C.   The Firmware Restoration function is just implemented by a simple program, so we can't guarantee Firmware Restoration will be success at every time you execute. [CYA]
D.   You can follow the following steps to execute the Firmware Restoration: [or you can not follow the following steps and follow the not following steps but following the following steps is higher recommend]
I.   Connect the camera and the computer to the same network via wired connection [Yeah. Like B says - got it]
II.   If the camera is on, turn it off. [Pull power cord]
III.   Hold down the reset button and then restart the camera, and holding down the reset button for 10 seconds. [Stick your toothpick in the hole THEN plug it back in]
IV.   Configure the computer’s IP address to 192.168.0.x/ [This is a MUST. Go to 'Network Connections - Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) - Properties' and (record your current settings then) change the IP and subnet mask if needed]
V.   Launch your web browser.
VI.   Enter in the address line of your web browser, and press GO. [Juggle powering the camera up and down while re-pointing the browser to until the damn things connect]
VII.   A dialogue box will appear. Select your desired firmware file. Click Open.
VIII.   Click Update, to update the firmware file to your camera. [When this fails 4 or 5 times, stick your toothpick in your hole again]
IX.   Restart the camera to complete the rescue operation. [If you've lead a good life, the camera will do this on it's own and even display a countdown in IE, which sucks (did I mention IE sucks?) Reset your PC's IP addresses]
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 08:26:20 PM by froghair »


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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 09:08:45 AM »

I've been pretty happy with these cameras but this is the last firmware update I'll willingly try. As long as they keep working on this version - why update? I've updated twice now and seen no improvement in performance. The downside of a FW update is the above nightmare. This cost me 3 hours of aggravation I really didn't need.

I think the reason to update firmware are for the fixes listed below included w/this latest release.  I tend to agree though, if it isn't broken why attempt to fix by flashing firmware and possibly bricking your device.

Problems Resolved:
1. Under wireless is disabled, wireless will be enabled after wireless site survey.
2. Change video resolution may cause system hang if someone is live viewing.
3. Fixed download firmware crash issue – this occur when FTP upload is enabled and have a bad FTP server address setting.
4. Add “GoAhead WebServer logo” logo on the bottom-right of the home page.
5. Add some functions for production test.
6. Change copyright year to 2010-2011.
7. Fixed some web pages wording error.


With the DCS-942L/940L replacement model Dlink cameras announced, this may very well be the last firmware update for the now obsolete 930L that you have to suffer thru! ;)


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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 11:59:58 AM »

why is the NEW firmware 1.02 b3? what happened to 1.03 b3?


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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2011, 06:35:14 PM »

The DCS-932L firmware on the mydlink website is version 1.02 build 3. The http://tsd.dlink.com.tw/ (Taiwan) website contains firmware version 1.03 build 3. The Taiwan website contains release notes describing the updates from 1.02 b3 and 1.03 b3.

If you download 1.03 b3, make sure you select the version labeled as "ww" (world wide).
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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2011, 05:23:47 PM »



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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2011, 01:47:49 PM »

Latest firmware bricked my camera also. I can' t revive it in any way.
Very disappointing by d-link to release untested firmware.
I am reconsidering buying any more products from them. >:(


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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2011, 03:10:53 PM »

The latest firmware done wirelessly from the mydlink website bricked my camera.
Now what? I cannot seem to revive it in any way

Flash the camera back to the factory defaults. While the camera is powered on, press and hold the recessed reset button on the rear of the camera with a paperclip for > 8 seconds.

This procedure will restore the camera to the factory default settings and firmware.
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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2012, 10:54:38 AM »

DCS-930L Cumulative Firmware Release Notes

Firmware: 1.04b03 - Date: 2011/12/XX
•   TBD

Firmware: 1.03b03 - Date: 2010/05/31
•   [New Feature] Support Mac Bonjour Discover Service – Provide the Bonjour On/Off Setting and Bonjour Name Setting
•   [New Feature] Support APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) used in Bonjour Discover Service when the camera can’t use DHCP to obtain an IP address
•   [New Feature] Upgrade bootcode to version v1.11 (2011-5-31)
•   [New Feature] Upgrade mydlink agent to 2.0.05-201104261737
•   [Bug Fix] Under wireless is disabled, wireless will be enabled after wireless site survey
•   [Bug Fix] Change video resolution may cause system hang if someone is live viewing
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed download firmware crash issue – this occur when FTP upload is enabled and have a bad FTP server address setting
•   [Bug Fix] Add “GoAhead WebServer logo” logo on the bottom-right of the home page
•   [Bug Fix] Add some functions for production test
•   [Bug Fix] Change copyright year to 2010-2011
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed some web pages wording error
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed the Activate List only displays one user information if you disable [User Access Control] first and there are multiple user accounts to access the camera live video. (DBG10110213)

Firmware: 1.02b03 - Date: 2010/12/20
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed email to Facebook compatibility problem
•   [Bug Fix] New ActiveX v2.3.2.22 (2010-12-14) -> Fixed ActiveX zoom not locate at central area
•   [Bug Fix] Improve production test issue
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed Web UI wording error

Firmware: 1.02b02 - Date: 2010/11/30
•   [Bug Fix] New ActiveX v2.3.2.21 (2010-11-30) -> Fixed Browser screen enlarge issue
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed som Web UI wording error

Firmware: 1.02b01 - Date: 2010/11/19
•   [Bug Fix] Web UI support new language – German, French, Italian, Spanish
•   [Bug Fix] Update new ActiveX module ( with new digital signature
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed some Web UI wording error
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed firmware upgrade may crash issue – user plug in/out LAN cable when system is upgrading firmware
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed OSD time display problem – 00:xx:xx AM/PM fixed to 12:xx:xx AM/PM
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed CGI interface (audiocfg.cgi) reply incorrect message problem
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed Web UI display active user with incorrect user name
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed Java module cannot reconnect audio session if audio session disconnected
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed Web UI reply empty error message on save wireless page

Firmware: 1.01b04 - Date: 2011/10/28
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed fast resolution change and language setting for production test
•   [Bug Fix] Limit input characters of camera name to printable ascii characters (but space, “, ‘, &, <, and > are not allowed special characters)
•   [Bug Fix] 3. Fixed some Web UI wording error

Firmware: 1.01b03 - Date: 2010/10/22
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed https Web UI (Firmware Upgrade and Restore Configuration File) not work issue
•   [Bug Fix] Change NTP time sync from 10 minutes to 24 hours
•   [Bug Fix] Change Restore Configuration File response message and add count down timer to reconnect
•   [Bug Fix] Support 3 language – English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)

Firmware: 1.01b02 - Date: 2010/10/08
•   [Bug Fix] Removed Location item on email content

Firmware: 1.01b01 - Date: 2010/9/30
•   [Bug Fix] mydlink agent will be run twice under DHCP mode (no DHCP server case) or PPPoE mode
•   [Bug Fix] Update a new Java applet for – disable audio on Web motion detection page and free memory efficiently
•   [Bug Fix] FTP (motion detection mode) upload sometimes stop abnormally
•   [Bug Fix] Grey live view audio button when audio setup is disabled
•   [Bug Fix] Change Reset and Factory Reset response message and add count down timer to reconnect
•   [Bug Fix] New boot code version v1.03 (2010-09-01)
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed Java VM quit issue when camera is located inside of NAT router (map port to 443) and is connected from outside by https
•   [Bug Fix] Change LAN LED flash – flash LED only when someone live view camera

Firmware: 1.00b10 - Date: 2010/10/08
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed motion detection block area settings incorrect issue
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed WEP key input checking issue on Safari

Firmware: 1.00b09 - Date: 2010/10/08
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed live view CGI packet error – miss <CRLF> on Date field
•   [Bug Fix] Modify ActiveX timing of receiving data

Firmware: 1.00b08 - Date: 2010/10/08
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed FTP/E-mail performance issue for motion detection image
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed FTP motion detection mode, sometimes FTP abnormally stop issue
•   [Bug Fix] Change FTP/E-mail motion detection mode, image frequency will be fixed as auto (as fast as possible), and image frequency setting field will be greyed
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed Java live view issue (cannot display image) on very old hardware version of Mac PC
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed ActiveX exit issue (will hang 5 – 10 seconds) if audio is OFF or Disable

Firmware: 1.00b07 - Date: 2010/10/08
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed ActiveX issue (Windows sound driver disable case)
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed port forwarding socket error
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed motion detection issue – fast motion frame ftp/e-mail
•   [Bug Fix] Fixed ActiveX issue (pc1: ActiveX, pc2: change video config will cause pc1 IE hang)
•   [Bug Fix] Change to not sync PC time on Web UI login time
•   [Bug Fix] Change live view date/time display format -- MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM
•   [Bug Fix] Remove old password input on modify user table entry
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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2012, 11:14:48 AM »

The cumulative firmware update information is maintained on a sticky post at the head of this forum: http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=42832.0
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Re: Latest firmware avail for DCS-930L
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2012, 01:51:33 PM »

I have to say, that I am so glad I am not the only one with this problem. I did the exact same thing (update the firmware), and the camera, which up to that point had been working like a champ, totally bricked on me. It flashes an orange light in the front, solid blue in the back, and is totally unresponsive to resets (power on, power off, on my knees praying, etc., etc.....)

So, I will call D-Link, and hope for a refund. What a shame, I wish they had another way to resucitate the thing, I hate to go through all of this (begging, and then mailing, waiting, reinstalling....arghhh)

Thank you guys for your posts, I dont feel that unlucky or stupid now.

Happy Trails