I have Qwest/CenturyLink ATM protocol available in this service area, either that or a two-year contract with Bresnan/Optimum West cable.
The Qwest/CenturyLink modem has a Line IN and a Phone IN: I have to use the Line IN.
I do not want to make their modem a bridge, thus pay for two modems: their modem and the N-WiFI modem I need for a N-WiFI flatscreen for Netflix. I would like to have one modem only, if possible. Pay once.
QwestCenturyLink refuses to sell or rent their N-WiFI modem for this service area, explaining this service area is ATM protocol. I have to think, the modem does not have a Line IN. Maybe, however, it is a firmware problem.
I got Qwest 7 MB/sec internet service for the N-WiFI flatscreen for Netflix, and maybe VoIP.
I do use Port Forwarding for amateur radio Echolink.
I particularly like being able to "login" to my modem, frequently change the 104-bit password, and block MAC ID's.
I like D-Link modems.
I am thinking I may like the DIR-657. However, it has to be optimized for Qwest ATM protocol "settings" they will not reveal.
I have only been able to get the IP address.
I got the Qwest/CenturyLink service specifically for N-WiFI flatscreen for Netflix I want to purchase.
I can't get straight answers from Qwest/CenturyLink.
I am reluctant to change to Bresnan/Optimum West cable, also available here, because their business model is identical: no price information on the website, Chat is "not authorized" to answer those questions, Tech Support is not available in advance (Tech Support has no answers, either, after I signed up with Qwest), and email Support provides more misdirection and evasions of providing the facts.
It has taken me 4-months to find out this much.
Maybe this forum is the right place to find answers?