Well [insert sheepish grin], it turned out to be a wiring problem... I have no idea why it ran 30Mbps with the DGL-4100 but wouldn't ON THE SAME CABLE with the DGL-4500, but there it is.
Using another cable wasn't simple to check as the modem is in the basement NOT near to any computer and the router is in a server closet upstairs. I carted a laptop, the DGL-4500, all the power cables, and the two patch cables that came with this equipment down to where the cable model was. Strung a few power cords and plugged 'er all in.
Voila, 30Mbps.
After much swearing (I've been working on this all day), and a quick replacement of both ends of the cable run from the modem to the server closet, the problem is fixed. Instant access, 30Mbps service.
No hiccup in speed with the older router, but a problem with the new one... ON THE EXACT SAME CABLE. Wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it myself.
Thanks for the quick reply anyhow!