I noticed that these two files associated with this adaptor have memory leaks:
version: 1, 0, 0, 2
The WLSVC.EXE file has the worst leak. When the module first loads into memory, it is only about 2500K in size. However, as time goes by after the machine has been booted for awhile, the memory usage increases steadily and never ends with this file, even if you disconnect the adaptor and sit idle with no programs loaded and not doing anything. The other file leaks a lot slower, but it still leaks none the less. I checked the memory usage before I turned off the computer last night, and WLSVC.EXE was using over 70,000K of memory. I have checked all over the place for an explanation. These files are not viruses or malware or spyware as far as I can tell. The Wirelesscm.exe file is the wireless manager for this adaptor, and the other file has something to do with internet security. They are both located in the D-Link program folder.
My question is, can I rename the WLSVC.exe file to something else and not load it and still be ok, or will this cause problems and affect my internet security while using the adaptor? Also, should I report this to D-Link? If so, will they even care of do anything about it? Is anyone else out there seeing the same thing on your machines with these two culprits?