I hope that these relating my experiences will be helpful to others ...
Continuing my tests of the DCS-932L and 930L, a few days back I mounted the 932L outside (to avoid reflections off the window glass). I set 7 fps, high quality, java; and selected motion detection (85% sensitivity) on maybe 1/3 of the scene (in the driveway, where nothing is expected to move at night). The 930L is inside looking out, and a timer powers it down during darkness hours.
The pair of cameras, in a period of 5 days, has accumulated over 90,000 files – totaling over 2.3 GB – on the server. This is about half my stored file count limit, and less than a fifth of the stored GB limit. This means I must keep an eye on the server load, and manually toss older records every few days. (Script, anyone?)
The file count is perhaps 3X the actual image count, because the index.php (neat application, Single File PHP Gallery 4.1.1 by Kenny Svalgaard) creates thumbnail and info files. But some periods last night (which was intensely foggy here) collected over 3200 images per 30-minute interval - of shifting LED reflections.
I find that using longer intervals (than 30 minutes) is not good because astronomical file counts in a folder is a recipe for disaster! Of course, in more "normal" intervals, the file count can be quite low.