I have a small personal home network (10.0.0.*) connected to LAN ports of a DFL-210, and a 192.168.x.y address designated to WAN port, which represents DFL-210 physically in big local home network. To connect to internet we use PPPoE, and my DFL-210 gets a real static IP after connecting to which is our big network's gateway (actually it's always connected when gateway is up).
Question: how do I do port forwarding in this case - let's say I use bittorrent files and want to seed something to what.cd users?
I tried such a scheme:
1. I created a Service named "Torrent_TCP" with is obviously TCP Type, with source ports 6881-6999 (whose bittorrent normally use);
2. I created two rules in IP Rules/wan_to_lan:
2.1. A SAT rule - src: any/all-nets, dst: core/wan_phys_ip (which is 192.168.x.y mentioned above) as follows: Action: SAT, Service - Torrent_TCP; on SAT table: Translate the Destination IP Address, new IP address 10.0.0.w (actually a PC behind DFL-210 which I'm writing this from), new port: NNNN, where NNNN matches Destination port number used in Service (step 1).
2.2. An Allow rule - src: any/all-nets, dst: core/wan_phys_ip as follows: Action: Allow, Service - Torrent_TCP.
It seems it doesn't work. Any suggestions?