Unfortunately I am not sure how to use it with Win7HP
I was worried about that aspect, hence the comments in the last paragraph of my previous post. I originally bought my new gaming PC with Home Premium but after discovering, whilst trying to set things up, just how badly MS had crippled it (without advertising the fact anywhere that compared the editions) I swapped for Pro.
I also search my registry for the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" folder
Are you saying that the whole key doesn't exist?? I find that difficult to comprehend. Have you tried running REGEDIT as administrator?? The LmCompatibilityLevel value might well not exist, but as long as the Lsa key exists you should be able to add it and achieve the desired effect.
Just for clarity, the items displayed in the left hand pane in the REGEDIT window are referred to as keys, whilst the items in the right hand pane are values. Rather than replicate information that can readily be found elsewhere, please refer to this blog page for information on creating the desired value:
Windows 7 – Cannot connect to network driveand scroll down until you find a fifteen step process preceded by a header (in a delicate pink) of '* Update on 2011-04-16: Thanks Scott. =)'. Since it isn't explicitly mentioned, I'd also recommend restarting the PC after making the change.
When I search for LmCompatibilityLevel I do find it in two keys
I believe that the two keys you've found provide details of various security related keys in the registry and are used by tools like SECPOL.MSC to control what options they display, what the potential values are and which registry keys to read/change. Leave well alone.