Your Thanks is appreciated.
I must say I've had a few experiences with this router and have tried to help people set this one up for gaming however since this is a fairly low budget router, the QoS options don't allow any customization of the QoS options to set up XBL to get the NAT status to change from strict to Open. This router is pretty much a plug in play router thats really designed for just surfing the web, emails and general internet usage. I've had a hard time trying to get gaming configured well on this due to the fact that there just isn't alot of options to set up.
I suppose we could go review your router settings with you via
teamviewer. however I feel we'll just hit a dead end. It would be worth a go if you want though.
I really would recommend getting into a DGL-4500, DIR-825 or a 655, even a newer DIR-657. I have lots of experiences with this as I own all of these accept for the 655 which I'm trying to acquire one now for testing purposes. The 4500 and the others are very solid routers and have the gaming options you really need and we can help you set up and get your XBL NAT to open up. There is a sticky in those fourms regarding set up of the QoS for XBL. It works great and we use it all the time.
I think you'd be very happy with one of them. Let me know if I can help you look for one. If you decide to go that router, we can help you set it up.