Thank goodness I have checked in here. I have had my DNS-323 for about a month now. I set it all up, upgraded the firware to 1.06 and everthing was good until my machine started asking for the driver at startup (running Vista 64 Business). I also looked in device manager and it had my DLink listed with the Yellow question mark. Like any good IT person I installed the driver to try to make my machine happy and I have had nothing but issues since. Like many of the other posts my machine does not go into sleep mode or shut down or restart without me having to power down. It will also BSOD every once in a while at random when I am working on it with the same error mesaage saying my machine did not shut down properly. I have never had issues like this previous to installing the driver. I originally thought I had a virus so I checked Computer Managemen and the Application logs and there really was nothing in there. I even phoned HP to see if they could help. After some more of my own trouble shooting I found out the issue was with the driver so I have called DLink and have opened a ticket (Case ID: DCA1522921).
Now I have tried to remove the driver. I have tried going into Device Manager and clicking on my dlink device and removing the driver but my machine just freezes. I have tried rolling back the driver and nothing. I have also tried going to control panel and running regsrv32 \u to uninstall the driver, nothing there either. I wuold just love to get ride of this driver and have my machine work good again.
Again like the other posts the driver did appear to install but took about an hour. It also said it was not digitalled signed which is not a good thing. Talking to people at work I know Vista 64x is very sticky when coming to drivers and gets mad if something is not right.
As for Anti virus, I really do not think this has anything to do with it. I am running AVG and that is it. THe issue started exactly like the other posts after the driver was installed.
Myself the only reasion I installed it was because I thought it was necessary. I do not need it for the special features especailly if it is going to cause such headaches. Can DLink not fix this driver or maybe have something on the webpage stating its not needed, or not have a driver avaialbe that is going to crash their machine and cause it to be unstable??
I really just want my machine to work again the way it was supposed to without having to reformat it. If you have had luck unnstalling the driver please let me know what you did. Thanks.