In all of testing below I'm running 802.11n (5GHz). Here are some answers:
Can you move the DAP-1522 closer to the DGL-4500? - I hooked the DAP-1522 up to a long network cable and extension cord and have moved it around the living room to find a better signal. If I put it 3 feet from the router my signal strengh goes up to 82% and rate of 162. When I bring it back into the living room the signal drops back to the living room it drops back to 40-50% no matter where it seems to be. I did notice one thing strange. The IP address the router is reporting for the DAP-1522 changed from to I have set in the DAP-1522 as a static IP address. And of course when I open an Explorer window to access it I have to use doesn't bring up anything. I rebooted both the router and the dap-1522 from within the firmware and it's still reporting the same... Hard rebooted both devices and ditto... The DAP-1522 status page is showing IP address but the router is reporting Weird... Well maybe not so weird. It's reporting my computer's IP address. What is strange is the -4500 was listing the address. Maybe it's nothing.
Are you using single modes on the 4500? G or N? - Single Mode N, 5 ghz
What security mode are you using? WEP, WPA or WPA2? Preferred security is WPA-Personal. WPA2/Auto TPIK and AES. - Preferred as stated
What wireless devices do you have connected? - 2 TiVo's, 1 printer, 1 TV, 1 PlayStation 3, 1 Xbox 360... but the 1 TiVo, PlayStation and Xbox are hard wired thru the router so wifi connectivity isn't an issue.
Any cordless house phones? - No
Any other WiFi routers in the area? - All 11g - I have a 2nd 11g network and a neighbor whose signal strength is 10%
Turn off Short GI and Extra Wireless Protection if you have it. Under Advanced/Advanced Wireless. - Off
Turn off all anti virus and firewall programs on PC while testing. - Done
Turn off all devices accept for one wired PC while testing. - Did
Some things to try:
Ensure DNS IP addresses are being filled in under Setup/Internet/Manual? You can find these under Status/Device Info/Wan section. - They are
Turn off ALL QoS (DIR only) GameFuel (DGL only and if ON.) options. Advanced/QoS or Gamefuel. - Off
Turn off Advanced DNS Services if you have this option under Setup/Internet/Manual. - Off
Turn on DNS Relay under Setup/Networking. - Off
Setup DHCP reserved IP addresses for all devices on the router. Setup/Networking - Done
Ensure devices are set to auto obtain an IP address. - They are
Set Firewall settings to Endpoint Independent for TCP and UDP. - Done
What Hardware version is your router? Look at sticker under router. - DGL-4500 H/W is A2; DAP-1522 H/W is A1
What Firmware version is currently loaded? Found on routers web page under status. - Router F/W is 1.23NA; DAP-1522 F/W is 1.40