I'll just keep it going until it fails - I need to upgrade to faster wireless in near future anyway. Why I just now got around to fixing it - I was running my 4 computers all wired and doing fine until my wife picked up a virus on the laptop that got past the firewall and virus checker. After I cleaned the laptop as good as possible without a new install it had one problem left over: Every time I plugged in the LAN cable Windows 7 would crash. A repair install tends to overwrite GRUB, my Linux booter, leaving me with a broken windows install and no Linux backup. So I think - maybe I could network the laptop wireless - if I had wireless - thus I must fix the wireless router. And thats how I figured out the ps problem. And yes, it worked, giving me a little more time before a new install.
Phenom IIx4 955 w/8GB, Dell Vostro dual-boot windows 7 and Opensuse 11.4, and 2 other XP and Win7 boxes through a dir-615/dsl connection