Hello All
i have a question regarding my beloved DNS-323.
I've been using this thing with (2) 250GB Hard Drives for more than a couple years now.
Earlier this week i decided to upgrade one of the drives to a Seagate 1TB.
Naturally one of the 250's is out of a job. In anticipation of the pending upgrade I moved ALL the files to ONE of the drives and the overflow to a desktop machine.
The new hard drive arrived and i removed the a newly emptied empty 250 and replaced it with the new 1TB. The 323 recognized and formatted the drive accordingly. I then started the process of moving 250GB+ media files onto the new drive.
The way i do this is map both volume 1 and 2 on a desktop machine AND then open two explorer windows and drag and drop the files.
It occurred to me that this seems a very SLOW and clumsy way to do this; essentially having a PC be the middle man between two drives in the SAME NAS! Is there an application or some method of having the files go directly from one to the other without having to traverse cat 5 cable?
Sorry if this is a stupid question but it seems to me 7.0MB/sec xfer rates are ridiculously slow.
Otter River, Massachusetts