my config : one DAP-1522 as an AP + one DAP-1522 as a switch, 6 meters between them, signal strength about 70. Any others wifi networks around my house. both with FW140b03.bin dated 01/14/2011.
Most of the time, both work correctly. But time to time, the wifi link is ko. In AP status, the switch is mentionned connected (uptime = 3 hours ...). The red led is blinking on the switch. The administration web of the switch is not available and the link is ko. Unplug and plug power units doesn't fix the problem. I need to reset DAPs.
From Dlink experts, i would like to get more description about issues :
- in switch mode, which are the events modifying the red led state ? what does blinking / off led mean ?
- in AP mode, what does "uptime ...STA ...." mean ? frames are periodically received from STA ?
thanks for help.