It's an approximation...that's all. All those settings and what not you just entered in were for nothing and a complete utter waste. If anything, that would HINDER your connection and speed. Especially changing of the MTU. Not sure why you would want to do that at all...
When you are playing a game, you aren't going to be using every single bit of your connection. You are only using what's available to you, and what's allocated to you by the host/server. So, for example...if the server or host is ONLY capable of uploading to you at let's say 200 KB/second, you are using VERY little of your own bandwidth. It doesn't take much at all. And besides, you have to factor in both download AND upload. Apparently, you just want to find out if you are getting the right speeds...if that's the case, then do a speedtest. Games, or using that OLED screen isn't going to do anything for you at all.
Go here:
Do a speedtest there...if you are getting 16000 Kbits, then you ar getting your 16 Mbits connection.