D-Link provides any and all updated information to us and the users in the forum. When they are ready to release any and all information, we and users are generally the first to know. It's up to D-Link and them alone on when any and all information is released. When and if the information is released, we update any and all current information listed in stickies in the forums as pertained to the information. If you feel that the updated information is not being updated to your liking then I recommend you contact D-Link directly and voice your opinions, and demands to them.
Your LONG winded posts have no meaning here in the forums and only serve to be inflammatory, are unprofessional and don't provide any "useful" data to others on this forum. If you can't be more professional and offer valued help to the users of this forum then I suggest you go elsewhere. We have no concerns or careless on what or how other forums are ran and maintained.
We are here to help each other out to gain better experiences with D-Link products. If you aren't willing to contribute to help in a valued and professional way, then I recommend that you find other alternatives in your D-Link products and find other places to voice your opinions and concerns. Currently, you and your ideas are not welcome here in the forums
1. Lets be clear here: If you can not abide by the rules of the forum then I'll recommend that you and your account be removed and banned from this forum!
Forum RulesThis thread is now closed due to inappropriate behavior by rickstep and useless information contained there in.
Good Day.