Well I broke down and called Tech Support.. I was having several issues including No Audio, lots of false triggering even with the sensitivity low and the trigger area set to a small zone, the cam would not send video and a snapshot, nor record to an SD chip at the same time, and MyDlinkCAM was in a constant "Connecting state and never connecting..
BUT most of these issues went away today when we went back thru starting with a hardware reset via paper clip, re-install of the same vers 1.01 s/w from the CD, reset the Day Nite Mode under "Audio and Video" tab "Manual IR" ., tweaked the MIC Volume to 100% left all else on that setting defaulted, wound up disabling "Video clip" since it never sent video AND a snapshot after a trigger, turned snapshot ON using port 465 and SSL-TLS ON, Turned SD recording ON using the defaults, set a Motion drawing area to about 1/3rd the screen on a target and sensitivity to 50%.. NOw it will send a snapshot via e-mail Ok.. and save the video to the SD micro chip..
I can hear Audio Live with the Video and it records it to the chip Ok too so life is good and I'm happy I won't need to send it back to Amazon if it will keep doing all this.. One other thing of note it does not record continuously but will save clips in sections that repeat as long as the movement persists.. but I can assure you it will need to save LOT of clips (probably hundreds).. before it will fill up even a 4Gb chip. mine is 16GBytes but reads" Total : 15428544 KB, Used : 54976 KB, Free : 15373568 KB" with a couple undeleted clips on it..