Just thought I would give the world the benefit of much time wasted trying to get a D-Link NFS-320 to work with Xenserver 6.0. this is required for hosting of Virtual Machines on the NAS.
1: Upgrade to the beta 2.02 firmware, you can then see the correct paths when you click on the little icon in the NFS column of the file shares screen.
PS: You are an IT god if you could guess that path, on the lower firmware versions it is not shown anywhere.
2: When you define the acceptable Hosts for the share, DO NOT use "*", that wildcard will give you a cryptic error of "NFS server version not supported"
You must use either the correct I.P or CIDR Notation, if you do not know what that is look it up on google.
ie if your network address is and subnet mask is then you use
3: Don't forget to set the share as writable when creating it, again you will get cryptic errors when Xenserver tries to create the store.
I now have this working, but all in all it was a pain in the a**.