Ever since I got my DNS 323 I have been using it to watch video using my Sony Bravia tv. It worked pretty well and I could play, pause and fast forward video. I recently tried upgrading the firmware from version 1.09 to 1.10.
After upgrading I encountered a couple of problems:
1. Refreshing the UPNP takes significantly longer than it ever did before (many minutes rather than seconds).
2. Fast forwarding video does not work any more. Previously when I pressed fast forward on the remote, it would skip through the video, and I would get glimpses of various scenes as I passed them by. Now, when I press fast forward, it just shows the same image and does not appear to skip ahead at all.
Because of these issues, I have downgraded the firmware back to version 1.09. I noticed that in the release notes for version 1.10 it says "Replace upnp av server with Rovi media server". Maybe DLink should go back to the old non Rovi media server in their next release.
Has anyone else noticed these issues, or found a workaround?