Hey Everyone,
I was pulling my hair out trying to get the email alerts to work for me.
Did the usual, called D-LINK - No help, they told me to call Bell Sympatico since it was their problem.
D-LINK also told me it had to do with firewalls blocking ports etc..
the FIX!!!!
here is what worked for me:
since i tried with bell sympatico settings and could not get it to work, i tried GMAIL.
BUT, HOTMAIL is my primary email account, so i did the following:
login Method: ACCOUNT
username: <myname>@gmail.com
password: <password>
SMTP settings: smtp.gmail.com
sender email: type any email eg: any@any.com - as long as it is in the name@name.something format
(may as well use your real email, but i really dont think it matters)
Receiver emai: <username>@hotmail.com
oh yeah, you obvisouly use your own valid email address inside the <> brackets.
then i hit the TEST EMAIL settings and it WORKED!!!!
So, since i saw some success with others and gmail, i decided to open up a gmail account and use the gmails smtp settings and then send it to my hotmail account, which i am always on.
I hope this helps anyone out there having the same issues i had, if not, get back to me and i will try and explain some more.
Basically, i dont think it matters what ISP you have, just use gmails stuff