At the outside chance that some D-Link reps actually get to visit this forum and take to heart some of the suggestions for future firmware releases -- if there will be any -- here is my wish list. Feel free to add yours.
1. Add a 3rd event to the event list. There are already 3 profiles, so why not 3 events as well. I know about those 3-event firmware versions out there floating in the wilds of Russia and Italy, but we need official ones we could download from the D-Link support web site.
2. In order to use time-lapse snapshots effectively, reduce frequency from minutes to seconds. Right now as an alternative, I discovered that I could use the 3rd video profile with one frame per second and store such a time-lapse video on the SD card.
3. Increase the largest recordable video clip size from 3 MB to at least 5 MB, just like the largest clip we can record on the SD card.
4. I don't understand why date and time is part of the name of the mailed snapshots and video clips saved on the SD card, but not part of clips saved on the FTP site by event triggers. All should have date&time in their name for easier searches without viewing the content.
5. Make the positioning of time stamp and name string on the video display a user option. Upper left corner is not always the best choice.
6. Display a simpler Web page for non-admin guest viewers. Just show them a simple screen by hiding from them any features they cannot use or control.
That's about all that I can think of right now having used the cam only for a short time. This cam has a great potential beyond what it can do now, only if the developers would recognize and act upon it. If anybody knows a better way to get a feedback to D-Link than this, please let us know.
By the way, anyone figured out how to copy the video clips from the SD card to a PC without actually moving the SD card to the PC? So far I could not figure it out yet.
Hi, all following opinions have to do with the updated firmware 1.00.02, so please ask to your local D-Link support to have an updated firmware release:
1) "Event setup" supports 5 servers, 5 media configs, 3 events and 2 recordings. Each event supports more than 1 action (so for example you can include email, ftp, nas and sd actions in one only event).
2) I don't understand this point. In which part of the web management D-Link should improve the software in order to have your requirement?
3) It is better to increase both "Maximum duration" and "Maximum File Size" fields inside "Event -> Media Type" in order to have greater values (for example 600 seconds and 50000 kbytes).
4) The date and time are always part of the name both in FTP and in SD (it depends on "Event -> Media Type -> "File Name prefix" value).
5) I agree.
6) I agree.
Also for me this IP cam has a great potential, but D-Link should understand it, believing on it and improving some features (it's very hard for me to understand why in my country there is an updated firmware while outside there is still the first one!!!).
About your question, this IP cam is DLNA compatible, but you can only use a Media Player to watch all the videos included in SD card (there is no way to delete files in SD using DLNA apps). The problem is that it is not possible, as far as I know, to manage all files inside SD (for example to copy, to move or to quickly delete many of them) using a simple way - for example using Samba shared folders.