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Author Topic: Enable WAN Ping Respond?  (Read 48775 times)


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Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« on: May 11, 2012, 07:16:40 AM »

So what is every ones take on this setting?  If I disable this, does it cause issues with XBL?  Does it not allow you to be host?

From what I can tell the only time you would need or want this enabled is when you are running extensive ping tests and/or trouble shooting your router.  Sounds like if you have this enabled it just makes your network more ****e to hackers.



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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2012, 07:27:33 AM »

I have kept this disabled and it makes sense that if your not using this option or any options that you are not going to be using, turn them off if they are not critical to router operation.

I know that this option is needed for some applications and return ping responds. Generally it isn't needed.

My 2 cents.
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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2012, 08:55:29 AM »


With it set to disabled are you still able to be picked as host when you play XBL?


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2012, 09:12:01 AM »

I honestly don't know and really don't pay attention to the host thing. I just play and look at the signal bars when I get a chance in game play. How does on tell if they are host? Aside being the main host and inviting people to my lobby. That the only host I know about.
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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2012, 09:23:46 AM »

In Bops it was easy to tell, you were the first on both teams to appear on the map and you would have like a 20s count down.  If you press the back button when the map first loaded up and you were the first player with a 4 bar, you are host.

In MW3, I have a hard time telling, I have heard several different things and to be honest not sure unless I back out and there is a host migration.
Here is link with some people theories for MW3.


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2012, 09:56:36 AM »

Alot of speculation there. Has anyone bothered to contact the Mfr of these games directly and asked how one determines who is host or host is delegated?

I guess there is some level of importance to having host, however sometimes it comes down to just playing the game and TRYING to enjoy it. I think people and kids, mostly, get all caught up in how to play the game better or how to cheat the game and get a better advantage over others. The games were originally meant to be play as real life or realize scenarios with a realistic look and feel. I feel that people have taken the games and gaming to the point of just wanting to cheapen the gaming experience by trying to figure out ways to cheat the system and the games and have a better advantage over others. Last night was a bad night for us. Started about 8:30 and got off about 11:30. We won maybe 3 games during the duration of playing. So many problems I'm seeing with MW3 now that it's getting to the point where I'm not enjoying the game as much.  :-\ All the stuff about who has host and who doesn't. I wish they would go back to the old way of connections and not have to bother with figuring out who has host and does it give or not give the supposed hosts a better advantage over ones that don't get host. The connections should be equal for everyone and the game should be played based on how the users react and set up there items. Shouldn't be any form of Quick Scoping, Running, throwing knives from across the map and 12 gauge shot guns killing people in one shot. Most of these perks and the way the game is handle is not seen in real life combat. Soldiers in most part just don't go out running around blowing people away. There are certain tactics that are used and "Camping" is one of them. You won't see any one the military trying to figure out who has hosts. Ya there trying to figure out good tactics and strategies to win the battle, and ya, in most case we already have the advantage. Ya these games give us the ability to play Rambo too in a safe way, however most users or I should say, kids, have ZERO idea on how to play the game or realized the differences between the game and real life combat. So I'm very happy when I'm camping the map and they complain. Too bad for them, maybe they should try it next time.

Also think that higher ranked users shouldn't be allow to play with lower ranked users unless the ranks are not effected by higher ranks, only user abilities. Just seems like in some ranks I've seen, they seem to have a better advantage over lower ranked users. Like last nite, some x2-3 time high ranker was running around killing everyone, I had him pinned several times with my Type 95 and he should have gone down, hell no, one or two shots and I was gone. WTH. I know theres many factors in how the game is played and the performance of everything. Just seems like the more prestige and higher rank you are, the easier it is for you to play the game. Not sure if I like this.

Just seems like people and some of these games we play are getting out of hand and people are too distracted with HOST and how to cheat the system that it makes playing for some of us who just want to play the game and enjoy, not enjoyable at all. I am thankful for private chat during game play.  ::)

So the only thing I recommend doing is to test WAN Ping Respond no your network. See if it makes any difference for you. If it does or doesn't, then you have more information and idea about it. Again, many things also will probably contribute to the gaming experience, Your ISP services, ISP Modem, your router and how well you have the router set up and everything else on the LAN side of the router and the user at the controls.

Ok, I'm done. I feel better now.

I'm really looking forward to Diablo 3 next week.  ;D

My 2 cents.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 09:59:17 AM by FurryNutz »
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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 11:01:31 AM »

Yeah this Wan ping respond really started from my PC failing a security test on Shields up website and nothing to do with XBL at first.  So I researched it and just started wondering if it would interfere with XBL since COD is peer to peer and one user is always host

Just seems like the more prestige and higher rank you are, the easier it is for you to play the game. Not sure if I like this.

I never noticed this, the only reason it should be easier to play the game is because of experience.

Yeah I agree there should be some type of matchmaking that is based off skill but once again user will create a second noob account so they can kill a bunch of real noobs.

Sorry to hear you are seeing connection issues, hopefully the next TU fixes it.


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2012, 11:07:36 AM »

Not having any connections issues. Just seeing crazy things in the game.  :-\
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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2012, 11:13:40 AM »

Title update that is supposed to fix matchmaking.
"Crazy things"?  sounds like connection issues to me. You shoul dbe dropping fools with one burst from the Type95 if not, that is a sure sign of connection, hit  detection issues


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2012, 11:22:59 AM »

No, it's not a connection issue. I was full bars last nite.

I mean by crazy things is being spawned near opposing teams or right in between 2 in close proximity, being killed while behind a connex box or cement wall, from my view I was behind an object, from the kill view, part of me of still in the kill shot, knowing I was on target with a high rank opponent and still being killed. Things like that just seem crazy to me. It's not a connection issue either.
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2012, 11:56:51 AM »

LOL, welcome to my world, these are the exact same issues that happen to me.  Bad spawns but happens to both teams but still no reason I should or they should spawn within a few feet of an enemy.  Also I notice sometimes, the other team seemed to have unlocked turbo mode since they run around like they are flash Gordon, etc etc. Connection may be the wrong term but lag comp or interpolation are to blame.

Check out this vid in this thread, first post:

For example, the other night I will admit my aim was not spot on as meaning not pointed at his head or chest but unloading a full clip into somones shoulder from short range should have at least got a hit marker. :o

Wow we just went way off topic...
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 12:23:48 PM by XS »


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2012, 12:37:55 PM »

Ya I guess I hijacked ya. Now hand over the xbox. LOL

Ya, I know there is going to be network everything thats going to play a role in how the game is played and the actions we take there in that effect how this game works. Only realy way to find out how the game works and users actions would be to play on system link and see what happens. I bet it would be different.  ::)
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2012, 02:37:16 PM »

I like that video. Good explanation of Lag Comp. Ya, I agree with that guy, the game engines should go back to what they were. Good connection users shouldn't be penalized for users with slower connections. I guess there trying to make the gaming fair to a point for all connections. So I didn't know how bad it was until he explained it. Interesting. So of what he says makes sense and explains some of what I see in the game.  :-\
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2012, 03:02:26 PM »

Well here is the Devs response:
I've been meaning to comment on CAPP00's (forgive me if I got the name wrong from memory) very well put together video.

 Much of what he eloquently presents is true of any online game, bar those that employ a lock step mechanism. What you see on screen and what the server's view of the world is are rarely, If ever, in sync. This is true of MW1-3 as well as Black Ops. Since Black Ops introduced theater, however, you have been able to see behind the curtain. so to speak, and visualize this delta. We do not 'fix up' the replay in any way.
So when everyone is out of sync with each other what can you do? Try to fairly resolve disparate views of reality. This is what we are attempting to balance as fairly as possible.
We are implementing one of the things CAPP00 suggested in the next TU (indeed maccabi also suggested this some time ago). MW3 currently attempts to place parties in a lobby where everyone has an equivalent ping to the host. This was well intentioned - same ping = no advantage/disadvantage in theory. However, the transient nature of lobbies, host migrations and the fact that parties are often geographically widespread has caused us to rethink this policy. A four bar connection is always better than a one or two, clearly. We have decided it is better for our players to have control over this by searching for games in the region of the host and use the 'make player party host' functionality provided in the game to see what provides the best solution for them. Why didn't we do this before? We were/are concerned that this is a fairly technical concept to understand for the mass market player who wants to just party up with mates and shoot people.
We'll see how this change impacts the game. The closer the parity in perceived state amongst as many players in a lobby as possible the better the gaming experience will be.


Updated thread with more detail on what expect:

Weird how I seen these issues for months and you just started seeing them????


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Re: Enable WAN Ping Respond?
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2012, 03:16:41 PM »

No, i have just started seeing them, been since BO. Only notice lag connections or people messing with there connections during game play in MW2. I only mentioned it for this thread today.
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