I’m trying to use this camera to monitor and record activity in an office.
The current firmware 1.01 only allows me to capture portions of activity.
In the Snapshot section: ie. 6 images taken at 1 second intervals.
1 second intervals sounds fast but with a person walking across an office, you might only capture a couple images at best. Then a pause before it captures another set.
I would like to see the firmware add the ability to:
Take 3 or 4 images per second. (and ftp them)
And keep doing this until the motion has stopped.
So allowing the interval to be set to .25, .33, .5 seconds would help
Also being able to select “continuous” based on motion. That is if the image keeps changing, keep ftping images at the rate mentioned above.
An older Dlink camera “DC-930L” with probably much less memory and slower CPU in the camera seemed to be easily keeping up with 3-4 frames per second (ftp’d)
Of course the filename would have to be extended by a character to indicate 1,2,3,4,5 (or whatever)
It might also be nice to have an option to ftp all images to a common directory instead of the drilled down date directories. (ie. don't create the yyyymmdd/hh/ directories. The filename has all that info already)