It would be nice if the built-in web server of the DCS-5222L would support linux browsers.
See this link:
But I will summarize here:
Using chrome on Linux results in the built-in web server not showing live video and recommending that I install some windows-specific plugin. However, if I change the User-Agent of the browser to pretend I'm on a macintosh, then the live video works fine.
I suspect the code says something like:
if (this is a macintosh) {
do mac stuff;
} else {
do windows stuff;
It should probably say:
if (this is a macintosh) {
do mac stuff;
} else if (this is windows) {
do windows stuff;
} else {
do something that is likely to work on non-windows, non-mac machines
Perhaps this would make it work in Android web browsers as well. (I know there is an android app, but the built-in web server application has many more features such as the ability to turn on/off the IR illuminators.)