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Author Topic: website Backup using FTP  (Read 3031 times)


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website Backup using FTP
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:34:17 PM »

Hi, I'm a new user and i couldn't find a answer to my issue. I have a D-Link 325, I'm using the FTP schedule to backup a website I run for a nation wide car club. I can get the d-link to connect to the site and start the down load. I can confirm this by browsing to the folder on the d-link seen the files. My problem is the speed the unit is doing it at. I have a 60 meg connection with UPC. My home network speed is at 1000meg. All I'm getting on the d-link unit is a max of 89KB. If I do the same job on any PC connected to the home network, I get the speeds I should be getting. I have checked and allowed the router (Thomson) ports to be forwarded to the ip address (static) and port "21". The routers own built in rule allows this any how.

Has any one else tried this or having this speed issue? I'm running the latest software on the d-link unit.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 04:49:35 PM by miniman »


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Re: website Backup using FTP
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 04:29:52 PM »


I have noticed apart from the speed issue, the FTP seems to be only accessing the root folder and no other folder off this. I created a backup on my server to the root folder and FTP on the unit is downing this file at about 502kb. The backup file is about 1.5gig and downloading around that speed.

Can some one confirm the "URL" needs to read some thing like "ftp://207**.**.45:21/"?

