We have 6 of these AP's in 3 different offices. One office with 3, one office with 2 and one office with 1.
We seem to be having the most problems with the office with 3 AP's. Sometimes every day, sometimes every couple hours, at least one of the AP's stops working. Devices can still connect to it, but they just get a 169 IP, they will never get a local IP. Sometimes though, if I set the client IP to static I can then connect, but not always. When an AP is having an issue sometimes I can't access the web GUI as well, it just times out. I then have to powercycle the AP and it will work again for another couple hours or sometimes a day then it drops again. I have tried adding static ARP entries and static IP assignment in our Sonicwall, same problem. Our Sonicwall handles DHCP.
When I first installed these in our office they worked fine for a couple months, now I am having this issue and its driving me crazy. I have been on the phone with DLINK business support, we have tried changing the channels around, turning encryption on and off, change the signal power, update to the latest firmware, downgrade to the previous firmware. I have tried just using one router instead of all 3, same problem. I have tried resetting back to factory settings, same problem.
The other two offices dont seem to have as many issues, they will go for a few days before they get the same issue, sometimes a couple weeks. But I always end up getting a call and having to reset them at some point during the week.
All offices have Sonicwall's and we VPN to all the offices. I have spoken with sonicwall and as far as they can see there is nothing in the sonicwall that could cause a problem like this.
I also just added a bonjour print service for iOS printing called Fingerprint on the network, not sure if that would cause any issue.
Again, I have spoken with the DLink business support but the only solution they could give me is to RMA the AP's. I am not convinced this will solve the problem, since it isnt just one device that is having the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.