Ok here is my problem, I have two great boys, but they love gaming more than they love school, so if I unhook the internet at night the one goes banana's, I would say something but my wife says I handle it wrong, so instead of just cutting them off the net, I want to just throttling down the speeds so they can't game all night long and yes all night. Then they say they are too tired to go to school but if they have almost zero speed they can't game on their Xbox and PS3 machines, the router is in our bedroom and they have no access to it.
How exactly can I throttle it down, in detail please as I have no idea other then how to get onto the router using the number and I can revoke their IP's or just turn it off.
Someone told me Q0S will work just look on the net for your answers, well here I am and I am hoping I will get the answers I need.
Thanks Guys and Girls.